Interpretation & Misconception
The Umpire's Briefing

Same rule but umpired differently...who is right? How to get umpiring more consistent

INTERPRETING THE RULES...sorting out the grey areas

You may hear many opinions around how specific rules are interpreted. 

How do you know who is right?

Examples of rules that create confusion in interpretation are:

1.  the overhead ball

2. shielding the ball

3. height of the first shot on a penalty corner

4. obstruction on the goal keeper.

5.  how long to play advantage

The following documents provide good advice to umpires to assist ensuring consistency of approach to game management and to how rules are interpreted.  These documents are called "Umpire Briefings" and are provided to umpires at the start of tournaments.

Umpires briefing.pdf

Umpiring Directions 2024 Hockey Australia V1.pdf